2023 VVLU Kongres/ FSWAU Congress - Bloemfontein

The annual FSWAU Congress was opened by Gerda Pienaar with the theme You are enough.

This congress saw the end of Gerdas 6 year term as president of FSWAU and promised to be a wonderful two days.

Please enjoy the photos in our Album

More than 700 care bears were knitted by members and distributed to school children in Bloemfontein and the rest of the Free State Province.

Photos by Ian van Straaten

Click on photo to view actual photos/enlargements.

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Suid-Afrikaanse Vroue Landbou-unie (SAVLU)
The Associated Country Women of the World
Vroue Landbouvereniging van Kaapland
Vrystaat Landbou